Tar and Gravel Roofing in North Liberty
If you are fortunate enough to own your North Liberty home then it stands to reason that you will want a strong and sturdy roof that you can rely on. And if you are reading this, then the chances are that you are either designing your new home from scratch or are considering how a new roof type could help your home moving forward, whatever the reason there is never a bad time to consider many of the benefits offered by a tar and gravel roof. While there is no shortage of options to choose from when you are looking for a new roof for your home, the reality is that very few come close to offering the reliability offered by a tar and gravel option. And if you want the best tar and gravel option that North Liberty has to offer then you need to contact Nguyen Enterprise Roofing right away. With a wealth of experience in all aspects of tar and gravel roof installation, maintenance and repair, there is no job too challenging for our skilled team of roofing specialists. So, what are you waiting for? If you think that your North Liberty home would benefit from our top-quality service then you need to contact us right away—trust us, you won’t be disappointed.
All You Need to Know About Tar and Gravel Roofs
A tar and gravel roof is a roofing type that is also commonly referred to as conventional built up roofing. In general, this roofing type is budget-friendly and extremely durable with an average roof lasting in excess of thirty years. What’s more, if your North Liberty home has a flat roof then a tar and gravel roof could be the perfect choice for you. At Nguyen Enterprise Roofing, our tar and gravel roofs are usually made of anything from three to five layers. This will always include an asphalt base sheet, a hot tar level and will almost always contain a layer of roofing felt. One of the key points that is often forgotten in the tar and gravel roof installation process is the role of loose gravel. At Nguyen Enterprise Roofing, we will guarantee that an even layer of gravel will be kept on the roof at all times while also making sure that some of this gravel remains loose at all times to ensure that it is not punctured by any foot-traffic that may take place. Finally, a top layer of bitumen and extra top mineral may also be added, while light colored gravel may be used to cover the dark layers effectively. While there is no doubt about the long-lasting qualities of tar and gravel roofs, the fact of the matter is that re-sealing will ensure that your roof will be leak-free for as long as possible.
Don’t Settle for Second Best
If you are going to go to the effort of having your North Liberty home fitted out with a top-quality tar and gravel roof then you may as well make sure that it is by the number one team—Nguyen Enterprise Roofing is that team.